Saturday, November 05, 2005

New Kat on the Block

We adopted a new kitten today .The Moosh, our 11 yr old cat is not taking to it so far tonight. Really, I can't blame her for being an only for 11 years.But the little girl that I don't have a name for yet has quite a hiss and growl , herself. Anybody out there have any tips on introducing new cats to set- in- their, way spoiled furballs?? The new one has taken to hiding up in the soundboard of the piano. A low C seems to make her come out.

1 comment:

bee said...

yes, actually - i just randomly stopped by your site and hopefully this will help:
keep them separated for as long as you can (vets say up to 2 weeks. i've always found - being an apartment dweller - that to be excessive...) obviously, your 11-year old should (needs to, for his/her ego) have priority over where she can go in the house. after a few (days, weeks)of keeping them apart, s-l-o-w-l-y introduce them - ie: stay in the same room and supervise. don't all of a sudden let the kitten into the house, the introduction part should last a few days itself (consider it a weaning period.)
anyway...i've done this a few times with much success and i hope, if you try it, that it works for you.
good luck. (wow...i'm long-winded...)

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