These are some of the ways you can identify Maritimers if you meet them;
Maritimers are tough, adaptable , friendly and trusting. They are not afraid of the dark, getting mugged, or not being able to survive a few inconviences for a few days, like 1 week power outages, no snow plowing for a week, and digging themselves out of 10 ft. snowbanks with their always ready shovel.
They make the best of what is given .We have beaches:foilage, beautiful seasons, hockey and friendly folk who wave and speak to strangers.
There are other ways to tell us too and what to take note of if you visit our area.
Our idea of a traffic jam is ten cars waiting to pass a tractor on the highway.
Vacation means going to Moncton, Fredericton or Halifax for the weekend.
We measure distance in hours
We know several people that have hit a deer. (with their car) Poor bambi
We often switch from Heat to A/C in the same day.
We use a down filled comforter in the summer.
We drive 100 km through 13 feet of snow during a raging blizzard without flinching.
We wear hunting clothes at social events.
We install security lights on both our house and garage and go away and leave both unlocked.
We think of the major foods groups as: Meat, Fish, and Tim Hortons.
We carry jumper cables in your car and the ladies know how to use them.
There are 7 empty cars running in the parking lot of the Canadian Tire store at any given time.
We design our kids Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit.
Driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow.
Our lingerie consists of tube socks and flannel pajamas.
We know all 4 seasons: Almost Winter, Winter, Still Winter, and Construction.
It takes 3 hours to go to the store for one item even when you're in a hurry because we have to stop and talk to everybody in town.
All the houses in your area have Front Doors but no steps.
And Finally, Maritimers actually understand this.
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